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App Development

52% of worldwide mobile device owners say brand, product, or store apps increase their interest in buying.

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Your brand needs an app.

Look, we all love Candy Crush just as much as the next person. But there’s way more to apps than games, shopping, and instant status updates. Brands are quickly recognizing that apps represent new opportunities to connect with their customers and make their industry-specific goods and services more accessible and approachable.

Not sure if native or cross-platform is right? Optimized for tablet or mobile? Don’t worry—we’ll provide our expert insight and guide you through to process of selecting the platform that best delivers your desired user experience.

Here are some of the ways we can help:

  • Mobile app development
  • Web app development
  • Application optimization
  • UI & UX strategy
  • UI & UX design

Your Brand REALLY Needs an App

Over 50% of worldwide mobile device owners use brand, product, or store apps.

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The average U.S. consumer spends 86% of their mobile use time in apps.

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64% of affluent app users say they view brands with mobile apps more favorably.

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We use the most relevant technology


To establish brand mobility and real-world context


To keep your customers constantly connected to your brand

Lucid Fusion exists to empower the human capacity to innovate and progress for the greater good.

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